Instrument Flying

>> Download free: Instrument Flying Handbook Chapters 1-4
>> Download free: Instrument Flying Handbook Chapters 5-7
>> Download free: Instrument Flying Handbook Chapters 8-11
>> Download free: Instrument Procedures Handbook 

Perhaps you want an instrument rating for the same basic reason you learned to fly in the first place—because you like flying. Maintaining and extending your proficiency, once you have the rating, means less reliance on chance and more on skill and knowledge. Earn the rating—not because you might need it sometime, but because it represents achievement and provides training you will use continually and build upon as long as you fly. But most importantly it means greater safety in flying.

A private or commercial pilot must have an instrument rating and meet the appropriate currency requirements if that pilot operates an aircraft using an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan in conditions less than the minimums prescribed for visual flight rules (VFR), or in any flight in Class A airspace.

>> Download free: Instrument Flying Handbook Chapters 1-4
>> Download free: Instrument Flying Handbook Chapters 5-7
>> Download free: Instrument Flying Handbook Chapters 8-11
>> Download free: Instrument Procedures Handbook