Airspace Basics

>> Download free: AOPA ASF Airspace flash cards
>> Download free: Supplemental discussion questions on Airspace flash cards 
>> Download free: Airspace & Communications Card (VFR), courtesy of King Schools. 
>> Download free: Flying In Special use Airspace

AOPA ASF Airspace Flash Cards
Use these downloadable flash cards issued by the AOPA Air Safety Foundation (ASF) to familiarize yourself with and test your knowledge of airspaces. Includes flash cards on descriptions, requirements and limitations of:

Class B, C, D, E Airspace
Differentiated Floors of Class E Airspace
Mode C Veil
Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA)
National Security Area (NSA)
Military Operations Area (MOA)
Alert Area
Prohibited Area
Restricted Area
SFAR (Special Federal Aviation Regulations) Area
Special Conservation Area
Warning Area
Contiguous US ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone)
Land Based ADIZ
Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ)
TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction)
VFR Flyways
VFR Transition Routes
IFR Routes
Military Training Routes (MTR)

>> Download free: AOPA ASF Airspace flash cards
>> Download free: Supplemental discussion questions on Airspace flash cards 
>> Download free: Airspace & Communications Card (VFR), courtesy of King Schools. 
>> Download free: Flying In Special use Airspace