Introduction to VFR Chart Symbols

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This Chart User’s Guide is intended to serve as a learning aid, reference document and an introduction to the wealth of information provided on aeronautical charts and publications of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA)  National Aeronautical Charting Office (NACO). This guide can also serve as a basic reference of chart information for experienced pilots.

The chart legend lists various aeronautical symbols as well as information concerning terrain and contour elevations. The discussions and examples are based on the Sectional aeronautical charts. These charts include the most current data and are at a scale (1:500,000) most beneficial to pilots flying under Visual Flight Rules.

NACO charts are prepared in accordance with specifications of the Interagency Air Cartographic Committee (IACC), and are approved by representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense.

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Download free VFR Chart Symbols User Guide